Jun 26, 2020

Protocols and Combine: Using @Published in your Protocol declaration

The @ObservableObject and @Published property wrappers are the sauce of Combine powered apps. With Combine and SwiftUI, it’s easy to use the @Published wrapper in our ViewModel properties and have the Views automatically update as changes to these happen.

Everything works great until you want to use Protocols to facilitate dependency injection and testing in your Models and ViewModel classes, as we’ve been doing in our regular MVVM apps for the past few years.

Feb 03, 2020

Switching jobs does not have to be painful

Seven hundred days ago, I quit my job at Globant to join Endava, and it’s time to do it again. Most people think that two years is too little to do something (especially on a management role) and therefore the decision comes with lots of noise and questions, but, should it be that way?

I’m 41 years old, and according to ‘social standards on employment’, I should be already thinking about settling down and securing my pension. For many of you, that might work out, but it simply sounds boring on this side of the screen.